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Love Bombing Very Dangerous, Recognize Red Flags in Relationships


What is love Bombing : If you are in a relationship or dating someone. So it is important to be cautious about some things. To avoid getting emotionally hurt in the future, you should be aware of the behavior in relationships. Today we will talk about love bombing. On hearing this word seems to be related to love. But its meanings are very different.

Love bombing means bomb of love

Love bombing is a term we hear in the context of dating. You can relate it to the literal meaning ‘exploding the bomb of love’. In this, initially the partner is very caring and loving. He will praise you a lot, will agree with you, will make you feel that there is no one else in the world better than you. In such a situation, this partner becomes extremely caring and loving. Just like you have burst a love bomb. Gradually he starts making the other person feel dependent and helpless on him. First, he fills you with love. And then after some time his behavior changes. It's like you're stuck in the middle.

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Recognize red flags in relationships

Such people trap you in an emotional trap. They will take great care of your wishes and dreams in the beginning. Will call and message several times a day and will gradually get to know your emotional weaknesses and sentiments. After this their behavior suddenly changes and you will not be able to understand what has happened. That's why love bombing can feel good at first. But after some time it becomes very dangerous for your emotional and mental health. Initially you start feeling that this could be the best partner for you. But later the reality turns out to be different. And in such a situation the other person becomes completely broken. Sometimes such people also become abusive and resort to misbehavior. Therefore, it is very important to recognize such red flags in any relationship. So that in future you do not feel cheated.

Superfast News Coverage By YuvaPatrkaar.com Team

Publish Date : December 30, 2023

Posted By Abhishek

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