These Best Varieties of Potatoes Will Make You Rich in Few Days

Best Varieties of Potatoes : In our country, potato is cultivated the most after rice, wheat and sugarcane. And at this time the season of digging potatoes is going on. So in many areas of our country potatoes are produced throughout the year. But if you are also cultivating potatoes and want to increase your income from it. So you should cultivate some special varieties of potatoes, which have high yield. For your information, let us tell you that 80 to 82 percent water and 14 percent starch is found in potato. Potato is a vegetable which is eaten extensively in our country.
You can store it for any number of days. And can prepare different types of dishes. That is why potato is called the king of vegetables. From potato parathas to potato chips and many types of vegetables are made which are liked by everyone. So today we are going to tell you about improved varieties of potatoes.
1. Kufri Chandramukhi
The stem of this variety of potato plant is green with red and brown spots. It takes about 80 to 90 days for its crop to be ready. The yield of this potato per hectare is 200 to 250 quintals. So, this variety of potatoes is considered good for cultivation in the plains and plateau areas of North India.
2. Kufri Ganga
This variety of potato gives higher yield in less time. And its yield per hectare is 250 to 300 quintals. It takes at least 75 to 80 days for its crop to be ready. And the plains of North India are considered good for its cultivation.
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3. Kufri Alankar
This variety of potato is advanced which gives a yield of 200 to 250 quintals per hectare. The potato crop of this variety is ready in 70 days. And its good yield is in the plains of North India.
4. Kufri Neelkanth
This variety of potato is rich in antioxidants and of excellent quality. And its production capacity is more than other varieties. The potato crop of this variety is ready in 90 to 100 days. Its production capacity per hectare is 350-400 quintals. And this variety is very good for the plains of North India.
5. Kufri Jyoti
This variety of potatoes is one of the best varieties. And this variety is suitable for hilly, plain and plateau areas. It takes 80 to 150 days for this potato crop to be ready. So in the plains this crop gets ready quickly.
6. Kufri Sindoori
This is an improved variety of potato which can tolerate frost. Therefore, this variety of potato can be cultivated in plains and hilly areas. The potato crop of this variety is ready in 120 to 125 days. And its yield per hectare ranges from 300 to 400 quintals.
7. Kufri Deva
This variety of potato cultivation is also suitable for plain and hilly areas. It is also cultivated well in the Terai region and intermediate plains of Uttar Pradesh. The crop of this potato variety is ready in 120 to 125 days. And the yield per hectare is 300 to 400 quintals.
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8. Kufri redness
This is also an improved variety of potato which gives high yield in less time and is ready in 90 to 100 days. The yield of this potato per hectare is 200-250 quintals. And this variety is good for the plains of North India.
9. Kufri Gold
Cultivation of this variety of potato is good in the hilly areas of South India. Its crop is ready in about 110 days. And the yield per hectare is 300 quintals.
10. Kufri Bahar
The cultivation of this variety of potato is considered good for the plains of Northern India. It is ready in 90 to 110 days. And there are some varieties which are ready in 100 to 135 days. Its yield is about 200-250 quintals per hectare.
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Publish Date: March 08, 2024
Posted By Abhishek