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You Can Get Luminous' 1 kW Solar System installed Very Cheaply, Price Absolutely Nominal


Luminus Solar System : Do you come among those people who are fed up of paying their electricity bill? So let us tell you that you do not need to pay electricity bill. You have to spend only once. Then it will benefit you throughout your life, we are talking about solar system if your house consumes 4 to 5 units of electricity in a day. So today's article is being written for you only.

Let us tell you that in today's episode, we will tell you what will be the cost of installing 1 kilowatt solar system of Luminus. Let us tell you that this solar system can generate 4 to 5 units of electricity in a day. And you can use this solar system at home. Things like two LED TVs, lighting, two fans can be operated comfortably. Let us know what is the cost of installing one kilowatt solar system of Luminous…

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2 solar panels of 550W will be installed

Let us tell you that in a 1kW solar system, you will need two solar panels of approximately 550W, if your budget is more. Then you can go with Mano Half Cut Solar Panel. Let us tell you that the price of these solar panels is just a little. These solar panels are priced at Rs. 28-34 per watt. But your budget is less. So you can go with Poly Crystal Line technology. Which is Rs. 34 per watt. It will cost you around ₹22.

Read More - Haryana Govt Made a Big Announces, Now Electricity Connections Will Be Available in Dhanis Also

2kVa solar inverter

Let us tell you that only 1.5kVa solar inverter will suffice, but if you increase solar panels in future, you will have to buy a separate solar inverter, hence you should get a 2kVa solar inverter installed now, so that you do not face problems later. Don't have to do it. Let us tell you that its price will be around ₹ 15000.

150Ah solar battery

Let us tell you that in a 1 kilo watt solar system, you will need only one solar battery, if your budget is a little more, then you can buy a 150Ah solar battery. Which will cost you ₹ 15000, but if the budget is less. The work will also be done with a 100Ah solar battery which costs ₹10000.

What is the cost of installing one kilowatt solar system of Luminus?

Let us tell you that while installing a solar system, apart from solar panels, solar batteries, solar inverters, you also have to spend on some other things like mounting structure, earthing kit, wiring etc., which will cost ₹ 8000 to ₹ 9000. And the cost of installing one kilowatt solar system of Luminous will be approximately ₹ 75000.

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Publish Date: February 29, 2024 

Posted By Abhishek

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