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Goat Farming: Pay Special Attention To These Things in Goat Farming Business, With a Little Extra Hard Work There Will Be a Huge Increase in Income


Goat Farming Business:  At present, goat rearing business has taken a new flight in India. Many farmers are now earning a good income by goat rearing along with farming. The main reason for this is the increasing demand for goat meat and milk in the market. However, most of the farmers and cattle rearers are rearing goats using traditional methods only. Due to which they are not able to get proper profits.

Breed selection

The first key to success in goat rearing is selection of the best breed. A healthy and pure breed goat with good milk yielding capacity and reproductive rate can prove to be a source of high profits. Therefore, goat farmers should pay special attention in breed selection.

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Nutritional management

Another important aspect of success in goat rearing. Nutrition management. Feeding colostrum to newborn goats immediately after birth strengthens their immunity. At the same time, appropriate quantity of Ratab mixture should be arranged for milk-giving and pregnant goats. Also, it is necessary to regularly include minerals and salts in the diet of goats.

Housing management

Housing management is also an important factor in goat farming. The animal house should be kept clean, neat and environment friendly. Proper arrangements should be made to protect from cold and rain.

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Health Management

Health management of goats includes regular application of anthelmintic drugs and preventive vaccination. This keeps the goats healthy. And production increases.

Market information and timely sales

Understanding the market and selling goats at the right time is important to get maximum profit from goat farming. Farmers can get better prices by selling goats based on special festivals and seasons.

Superfast News Coverage By YuvaPatrkaar.com Team

Publish Date: March 15, 2024

Posted By Abhishek

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