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Trains To Ayodhya: Railways Has Made a Big Plan, 72 Trains Will Take Devotees From 430 Cities Directly To Ayodhya, Know Complete information


Trains to Ayodhya: Currently 35 trains are operating for Ayodhya. Apart from daily trains, it also includes weekly trains. Apart from the existing trains, 37 additional trains will be operated from January 22 onwards. Indian Railways has made special plans to provide convenient travel to the devotees reaching Ayodhya after the consecration of Ram Lalla. In which he will directly reach Ramlala to the devotees from 430 cities, for which 72 trains will run, which will include all classes of trains from AC to sleeper and general. The schedule of trains going towards Ayodhya will be released soon. So that you can prepare according to your city.

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At present 35 trains are operating for Ayodhya. Apart from daily trains, it also includes weekly trains. Apart from the existing trains, 37 additional trains will also be started from January 22 onwards. In this way, a total of 72 trains will operate from 430 cities across the country. In this regard, Shivaji Maruti Sutar, Director of Information and Publication of the Railway Ministry, said that keeping in mind the devotees, additional trains will be operated for Ayodhya. Railways are trying. That more and more cities will be directly connected to Ayodhya so that Ram devotees from all the cities can reach Ayodhya Dham and through this scheme all the devotees will be able to have darshan of Ram ji.

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Publish Date: January 03, 2024

Posted By Sunil

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