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Weather Patterns Changed Once Again in Haryana, There is a Possibility of Heavy Rain

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Haryana Weather: The weather is expected to change in Haryana from tonight. Due to which the cold will start increasing. Meteorologists said that there will be clear and dry weather in the state during the day, but the weather will change at night due to the partial effect of western disturbance. The wind will blow at a speed of 40 km/hour and it will be cloudy.

Where did it rain?

Haryana has received 3 percent more rainfall in the two months of October and November. However, the state received 11.9 mm rainfall this time, which is against the average rainfall so far of 11.6 mm. Seven districts received more rainfall than normal, nine districts had no change. The night temperature has dropped significantly due to the recorded average rainfall.

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wheat is present at this time

These days the weather is good for wheat farmers in Haryana. If the weather remains like this then the crop is expected to be good this year. Experts say. That the best temperature for wheat crop should be between 28 degrees to 10 degrees. These days, most of the districts in the state are experiencing similar temperatures. In such a situation, this season is excellent for wheat sowing and crop development.

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Publish Date: November 27, 2023

Posted By Sunil

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